Growing up
1990 |
born in Busteni, Romania. Spent the first ten years under Communist rule in the Carpathian Mountains but my father escaped for America after Communism fell.
Five years later he brought us to Chicago, Illinois, on Christmas 1994. I finished High School in Hinsdale Illinnois and struggling without a green card, saved enough to drive to Hollywood.
Driving to Hollywood 1999-2004
.jpg) |
First photoshoot with Kevin Break |
In 1999 arrived in California and settled in West Hollywood on Laurel Street. Worked as a bikini model and a background performer in Film and Television. Took acting classes at TVI and Lee Strasberg School.
Learned how to write an acting resume and shot headshots with various photographers.
Met future husband three weeks after arrival and were married for five years until his death in 2004.
Also became best friends with photographer Kevin Break who introduced me to the teacher that taught me The Teaching ideas.
Return to Chicago 2004-2006
2006 after husband's death |
After the death of my husband, returned to my family in Illinois and began translating The Teaching material from English to Romanian. Was a regular visitor of a Catholic Convent and began the process of joining the nunnery until another nun said, laughing cunningly, that "my life will be convenient because I won't ever have to work for a living." Feeling embarrassed and guilty, I decided to buy an abandoned house in the corn fields instead and began fixing it, hoping to live the rest of my life in the country, translating.
Discovered it was against the law to have left Chicago for California since my immigration depended on my father, but the officials decided to let me stay in spite of this mistake. Later, me and my family finally received the green card and American Citizenship. Had disagreements with my parents and was forced to surrender the old abandoned house idea and instead made plans to return to Los Angeles to translate The Teaching material from the teacher and continue to pursue acting. Leaving the nunnery has been one of the biggest regrets.
Los Angeles 2006-2017
Photo by Kevyn Major Howard |
After a few trips and failures to settle back in L.A., returned permanently in 2006 and continued collecting The Teaching material and working in entertainment. After the death of the teacher, married my best friend, photographer Kevin Break in 2009.
Living in his photo studio The Jesus Wall, continued translating, building and painting sets, performing in community theatre and began shooting short documentaries as well as began contemplating shooting a documentary on the Bridges of Los Angeles which Kevin Break was shooting on a regular basis..
House of Bernarda Alba - Underground Theatre |
In 2012 I became a mother and began attending Los Angeles City College Theatre Academy where I studied acting.
Finding out that the college offered financial aid and the Governor fee waiver made it possible for me to go to school free of charge, I took advantage and began to claim my education.
2016 |
In 2015 I had my second son and finished my training at the Theatre Academy in 2016.
Going to school 2017-2019
Graduation 2017
Better late than never! I decided to go to school tudying Performance Studies, Film and Comparative Literature.
Reedited and republished two short books. One in Romanian "Învățătura" - first published in 2009 and the other in English "The Teaching" First tape of her teacher's, transcribed with figures.
Graduation 2017 |
Also translating the play "The Stronger" from Dutch, Romanian and French to English, aiming to shoot a film based on it Began experimenting shooting the first narrative story on the iPhone with her children "Thomas the Train" and began venturing into narrative filmmaking.
Lauren Lemay Productions 2019 - present
Soundbooth during Covid lockdown |
Began my production company after the death of my father to Covid-19 in 2020. Built own sound booth and began narrating spiritual stories in his memory.
Published a narration of Dracula in 2020.
Shooting a promo for Dracula, a Documentary |
The Documentary/interview on Dracula called "
Dracula, a Documentary" was finished in 2021. Began shooting short scenes with actors and later wrote, shot, directed and edited the first narrative short "
Oranges and White Chocolate" later that year.
In 2022 revisited the bridge documentary project that I thought of creating in 2006 "Los Angeles River Bridges" (2022) in which I follow my husband photographer Kevin Break as he talks about and photographs the bridges.
2023 hopefully will bring a new short film called "The Stronger". an original adaptation from the play by the same name by August Strindberg.
more updates coming soon.....